Friday, May 6, 2011

Swot Analyst Dunkin Donuts


And is encantaú all the way until you reach the heart of the forest, everything here smells different ... here I guard it is not the forest.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bow & Arrow Balloon Games

The Papiol
by David
May 1, 2011

played this weekend Collserola route. I wanted to make the most of miles, and a maximum gradient possible, or at least I could endure.
I was looking online to make a circular route, and not have to start thinking about where I go and I come from.
the end the thing finished in adventure, not as I do but whenever I go out collserola just doing something different from the planned route.
long time that came out and everything seems Collserola remains in place, full of bikers on Sunday for all roads, ballooners coming down the tracks to all milk and no helmet! to freak out ........
After so many days without leaving for Collserola I've gotten to reconnect with the rocky soil that has given us so much joy ...... and some other penalty, true that if ribs ...... yeah, yeah pupa, pupa ....

The route has generally been good, has been a little chaotic, especially at first he was along the track, and I've had enough problems, I had to stop quite as sometimes I was not clear which I had to follow, in fact today I saw that the mobile I have not done that well, we'll see how just, well actually I know how end up in a Dakota 20 ... jejejejeje must be said that the mobile and the program I've been going very well, in fact the problem is maps, I'm used to being brutal Topohispánia.

In fact the shot was when the track got in a way that was private, had to go through a door, which was written that was forbidden. I was right in the Papiol and I had to find a way back to the track on the other side. I have not dared to pass, as I have had the odd encounter with canines, on occasion and did not want to complicate my life more than necessary. You are adventurous but I'm not Angel Christ. In the end I had to go to Puig Madrona, which has major ramps and return to the Escletxes, to re-take the track. When I succeeded, after some trial bike download, guai, guai ........... I saw that I was going for miles and could not do the route I had planned from the beginning.
with which I have been reinventing, like Ferran Adria, and I went to Santa Creu de Olorda, and then I made a couple of rampotes, only to rise up to the bar, just off the road goes to Molins de Rei.
then try to accumulate miles and drop, I've been giving some back, eg up to Sant Pere Martir Vallvidrera address and then go to track down the Borni Can Vivers, where I started the route.

Eventually the route have been 77 km of altitude with 1800. I started pretty well but I have gradually been losing pistons, I have to strive a little longer to see if I can finish a little more left. For days that went by collserola, but the route has been entertaining, I made some interesting path, I have helped a poor saps who had played and had no spot or cameras and I've lost a lot in the area.
These are some of the photos I've been doing for the route, so that readers are more entertaining gentlemen and not make the reading of chronic heavy all the blanks and I write it sure is hard ...
photo path is typical for Collserola This in particular becomes more narrow, and ends with a path down a palm and stones, let those we love. This was handsome, handsome ....

As I left it alone since I had to do autofotos.

This picture was taken on the trail of Santa Creu de Olorda.

Photo of Sant Pere Martir after the climb. Missing back down and then back up to the antenna.

This is one of the trialeritas to be down to get to the horses near Esplugues.,

These photos are from the antenna and Sant Pere Martir, the background is the whole area of \u200b\u200bMolins de Rei.

Well you can say I already know a little over that area. All that is full of trails that I had gotten to see where it led, but we'll leave for another day.
As lately we are doing very graphic posts, today one would expect, and I have a picture of area. It seemed even rare, as are sites I frequent a lot, and I've never done any photo.
obviously are not as spectacular as those of Ripollés but that is what we have here.

Certainly looking at the post that John has written on the tracks of the Volcans: as this makes it very good looking and seems quite technique.

The Lonely Son By Armattoe

dels Volcans TRACKS!

Backs, I leave the link here that you may be preparing .............. on the blog say they freak out, harder than Tracks del Diable!

Alberto, you have to go talk to Jordan ... jajajaja .....

And can go accepting comments / suggestions regarding the dates of the event.


Work Combination On Calculator

Is it time to celebrate nothing? almost 5,000,000 unemployed, well ... I'll stick with 4,000,000, barring those who live in permanent unemployment decision propia.Pero these ... today are not the subject of my post. Today

subject of my post than 4,000,000 unemployed, those people who are not entitled to one of the main values \u200b\u200bCONSTITUTIONAL subject on which our democracy "JOBS."

The "IRRESPONSIBLE LEADERS" have been unable to create productive in Spain need to satisfy the right of the English working a decent job, but they have everything and have it for life. How long are we going to let them play with our patience? How much longer we look the other way? Shall we be spreading joy-election? or maybe it does the final of the Champions ?....¡¡ NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!.

to so many friends that you are in this situation oscurra Do not even faint, I fight with you for you @ s @ s.

And these roses are for all mothers who pass by here. Happy day!
And of course, especially my Mom, that I adore.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Life Expectancy From Throat Cancer

Coll d'Ares
by David
April 24, 2011

This Sunday I wanted to get a rutilla as God intended. On Friday morning I made a miniruta about 30 km and 1100 meters is not bad, with the compilation Javi biker camping, but of course in just over 2 hours was completed. I wanted to do a route as we do regularly, and as I have very controlled area Francesc asked for advice, another biker camping area is known as his home.
I told the miles I wanted to do and I proposed to make the route up to the Coll d'Ares, which as you know is border Fráncia.Otro camping biker who has all the routes recorded the track I went. This is a fucking people !!!!!

After overnight rain did not seem possible to start the route at 8:00 am, but when he heard the alarm and could hear the birds sing, evidence we were having a good time, or at least for the time it was not raining, because the birds are not as buds as Fred Astair.

championship after lunch, before a road biker, the usual toast with butter and jam, go to the door of the campsite where I stayed with my friend Javi route.
At 8:00 o'clock we left and headed FontRubí, which is passed Camprodon. We did not roll or 2 minutes to hear another biker behind us, asking us if we know the area and say that not much, but we're going to a track to route to Coll d'Ares, you're welcome to join and is not intended or twice. For all three of us, our new partner and is called Quique de Banyoles, is spending some days in a Rural Tourism house is 100 meters from the campsite. Take a Specialized 29rs will be interesting to see how the bike operates by Coll d'Ares narrow path, which you can see its very good, both the biker and the bike.

The path initially goes quiet on the trail that runs parallel to the road that leads to Camprodon. Once there go to Font Rubí a track that rises slightly little. At the top of urbanization we go down a path because of the mud that makes you a tad to be alert, but no major complications. We arrived at a track that is a real quagmire, here I begin to worry, if the rest of the route will be the same, because it takes a couple of days rain and things can get complicated.

Font From Ruby's path is higher after rise, half of them make a stop as our partner Quique have problems with the creeks, it appears that the creek is not just be secured in the pedal. Try tightening the screw but no way in the end we have not able to solve the problem with the boots and the coves and has spent the entire route with no problems to bring the subject standing. Continue to rise, with stunning views and Javier tells us it has punctured the rear wheel. Quickly change and continue to do as much stop us getting cold.

We reached a point where we are just below the Coll, the road is the left and our track with ramps rather heavies. Frank had warned me, fellow happened to me the path that this increase was of champions, has an initial tranche pretty bad and very hilly, lots of loose rocks and "wet", but as a champion got up, but not a problem and squeezing his ass ... ... ..

Once up the views are breathtaking, we Coll d'Ares, right next to Catalunya and the other France.

; This is the restaurant that is when comes up. I think they have done for bikers, if you get very petado, have a place to recover .... hehehehehe ..

This is the last stretch before reaching Coll d'Ares.


partner Javi coming to pass.

As not to good weather, but could not see from here you can see in the background Canigó.
Coll Just pick one Trialeras increase that is marked as VTT, let version Btt centers, but in France. Here I am bundled with the GPS and we had to get off cross country to take the track was a few feet below, but we have not been any problem in fact has even been fun.
In this section Coll d'Ares medium level will rise half a mile and then we come to a zone that there is almost no way going cross country pretty piece, thankfully the gps, and the fog began to be thick and visibility quite difficult. This entire section is spectacular. No hi ha cami !!!!!!!

In fact in this area we found an amazing fact. We've seen a newborn foal, in fact had the placenta bag full of blood right next to, I do not do many hours he was born. The mother looked at us with a face somewhat worrisome. It does not look good but in the bottom right, next to the colt's placental blood filled, spectacular !!!!!!

After started a descent, spectacular, way to enjoy a narrow path through the meadow by the very handsome.
Here you see Harvey and Quique with happy faces after the hectic bajadita.

Our friend Quique.

After a while we come down again Font Rubí, here we had to go through the site that was full of mud from the beginning, and as we had no desire to mud, we decided to lower by road to Camprodón. Camprodón Once again we take the parallel road that leads to the campsite. We have found Quique phones, if one day we want to make a route through your area, we have a great guide.

the end we have come 55 km, with about 1300-1400 of vertical and 5 hours with their paraditas and mechanical problems.
So as has been the bike after rutita.

We really enjoyed, it has not rained and we met a very nice guy.
Certainly this is the support that led to the handlebars for the gps. At the moment the invention is a fable, every time I discover new features. And the best part is that I follow the same track apparatus, recorded the track and take pictures ......... what more could you ask for.
certainly the theme at the moment is perfect battery I lasted all the way and had not reached the middle, so it seems to have autonomy.

Incidentally I also want to be on the blog, I'll autofotos to do with views about the fund.

Chemistry By Op Agarwal


has been an Easter INTENSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, !!!...¡ decisive as I like!

And take this entry to celebrate with you @ s my third cumpleañitos blogger (which was in February and I had forgotten) surrounded by such good people, THANK YOU very much for being there .. and do so CRITICAL currently share with you @ s.

This week we came to visit Santa Maria Teresa and Jordan ... we've been momentosdecisivos not forget, at his side, people really lovable .. . of those people who do not forget, because the connection had further intensified by blogger, interesting people and have much to contribute really many thanks from Manuel and truly on your side these days so rewarding ... and which I really liked our Leon lands. Let's see if I pass M ª Luz those photos, the day we were all a little part juntos.Aquí show's visit ... how could it be otherwise ... When FAED of Ciñera, my people ... one of them hehehehe.

And to round off the end of this break we went to LLanes with family, perhaps one of the few places in Spain where it did not rain ... were moments of that contact with nature ... LLanes that is at its best spring ... and moments of little beach ... under those lovely rays of sunshine that accompanied us.

Back and to the routine ... these days I get up with you all @ s.


"One of the joys MORE UNIVERSAL MATCH IN TOD @ S, ES surround ourselves with people we love"